A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

Created by Stéphane Leathead, designer and creative director of Designarium, the Exocet Chair is a brilliant piece of furniture that allows you to sit around in different positions.

Even though the design is patent pending, I honestly say that I would love to see this on the market as soon as possible.

The Exocet Chair is a game changer, it’s way more than just a sitting place. It will be the piece de resistance in the room.

So let’s have a look at it, and after that, leave a comment with your honest opinion about it.

A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

A New Kind of Chair: Exocet Chair

Image Credits: designarium.ca

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